Corking - wire-hooding

Manual corking
Manual wire-hooding
Semi Automatic

Manual corking, model TCM-5

Very robust manual corker for sparkling wine corks.
  • Robust jaws and bronze rails.
  • Closure of the jaws through manual lever.

Manual wire-hooding, model WM-2

Manual wire-hooder for sparkling wine and cider bottles.
  • Pneumatic rise  of the bottle through two buttons.
  • Closure of the wire-hood turning a wheel.
  • Output: 200 b/h
  • Designed for bottles between 37 cl and 150 cl.

Semi-automatic corking and wire-hooding, model CW-5

Semi-automatic monoblock for corking and wire-hooding for sparkling wine and cider.
  • Semi-automatic machine built in stainless steel and mounted on wheels.
  • Mechanical corking through buttons, manual distribution of the corks.
  • Jaws in tempered and rectified steel, rails in bronze.
  • Manual loading of the wire-hoods under the head equipped with a magnet.
  • Pneumatic rise of the bottle of the bottles in the wire-hooding head.
  • Output: 500 b/h
  • Designed for bottles between 37 cl and 150 cl.
  • Maximum dimensions of the cork: 30 x 50 mm.

Automatic corking and wire-hooding

Automatic monoblock for corking and wire-hooding for outputs up to 1,500 and 3,000 bottles/hour depending on the model.  Designed to work with formats whose diameter is 55-115 mm and whose height is 240-375 mm.
Bottles enter the machine through a worm. The corking station is designed to work with unidirectionnal and bidirectionnal Champagne corks.
The 4 stainless steel tempered and rectified jaws are mounted on bronze rails.
The automatic wire-hooding station is designed for the application of 4-legs wire-hoods.
As an option, the machine can be equipped with a wire-hoods magazine revolver-type or with a system enabling the operator to load them from low height.

corks distributor and orientator, model AOT-5

Machine designed for the distribution and orientation of unidirectionnal Champagne-type sparkling corks.
  • For outputs up to 2,000 bottles/hour.
  • Air consumption: 36 litres/minute.
  • Connection tube in PVC to connect the cork orientator with the corking and wire-hooding machine.


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Riera de Palau, 36 Nave 3
Sant Andreu de la Barca
08740 Barcelona- Spain
+34 93 015 36 63

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