
From 1 to 6 cages

Riddling machines

Automatic riddling machines of 1, 2, 4 or 6 cages.
  • Structure and support in galvanized steel.
  • Tilting of the cages through motor reductor.
  • Electrical suplly: 400 V III
  • Tilting and rotation motors: 0,37 Kw.
  • Touschcreen and intuitive management.
  • Machine supplied with a PC software to easily create your own programs.

Storage and riddling cages

Designed for any formats of bottles.
  • Treatment with electro-zinc plating or galvanized steel.
  • Very robust cages with a high level of safety. 


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Riera de Palau, 36 Nave 3
Sant Andreu de la Barca
08740 Barcelona- Spain
+34 93 015 36 63

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