
Manual : with 4 rinsing nozzles
Automatic:  from 9 nozzles

Manual rinsing

Manual rinser designed for the rinsing of 4 empty bottles before the filling.
  • Equipped with 4 nozzles for bottles between 37,5 and 150 cl.
  • Time of the injection depends on the time the operator makes pressure on the nozzles.
  • Machine built in stainless steel.
  • Water recirculation.
  • Also available in circular versions with more rinsing areas.

Automatic rinsing

Rotary rinsers with automatic loading and unloading.
  • Machines designed for the rinsing of empty bottles with models from 9 arms.
  • Possibility of double treatment or air blowing instead of rinsing.
  • Machines built in stainless steel.


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